Nancy 的高難度自縛(二)


按: Nancy 的自縛照得到相當熱烈的迴響,於是她又提供了新一批照片在皮繩愉虐邦發表。綁縛和拍照全都自己一個人來,真是辛苦她了!想知道她是怎麼做的嗎?請看 Nancy’s Ultra Tight and Beautiful Self Bondage Home 網站上的教學!

First of all, I like to thank you all for your support over the last 2 months. Knowing the fact that many people share the similar interests as mine has really motivated me to continue exploring various ways to perform super tight and good looking self bondage. This bdsm web site is the best bondage web site I have seen, especially it is in Chinese. And this is the reason you are viewing my latest production here first.

In the latest set, I finally managed to have both of my elbows touched each other. Needlessly to say, it was a fantastic sensation. That coupled with black spider net glove really helped me to reach ultimate high both physically and psychologically. For that brief 10 minutes in bondage, I felt that I have reached the pinnacle of self bondage. You may have noticed that I was wearing something on my elbows for almost all of latest pictures. This silky cloths serves 2 purposes: 1) it makes me feel sexy just like stocking make all of our ladies feel the same way 2) it makes it easier to tie elbow closer as it prevents rope from rubbing your skin roughly when drawing both of your elbows together.

Another trick for ladies with long hair, you need to ensure that you tie your hairs high so that it does not interfere with your rope. That last thing you want is have your hairs tangled with rope, it would make releasing yourself more difficult nor does it looks good. In my earlier photos you would have seen some hairs dangling over/under the rope which you no longer see them in new photo sets.

Unfortunately I still haven’t been able to produce the tutorials for elbow self bondage since it is quite difficult to do so. For those eager fans out there, I promise that I would definately try my best to get it done.

Thanks, Nancy

在〈Nancy 的高難度自縛(二)〉中有 12 則留言

  1. To wbt


  2. Nicole,

    Thank you for confirming this.

    I bought some of my ropes from, some of them from Tokyo in Aki Harbro area(or any where you can find adult store).

    I will soon update my web site with more pictures from various angles.

    One of these days, I would love to visit Taiwan to demonstrate my techniques in person.


  3. Dear Nancy,
    你真是太神了, 真不敢相信自己的眼睛, 可以自縛成如此,不得不佩服.也歡迎你來台灣表演

  4. when will u come to TW demonstrate ur techniques of self bondage?i really do not believe those difficult tied can did by yourself~~such photo are very distrustful!!!

  5. 我6/5上網連結

  6. Louis, I tried some of these ties of his. I can tell you that the elbow tie, and most of the ties he showed can be done.
    Even though I can’t touch my elbows together, I can do each tie, but I have not tried to put all the ties together. I am not that flexable anymore. I have tried to take pictures of my self bondage, and was able to get so far. A digital movie camera
    with photo-editing is needed to make all the pictures, I know you want to see.

    im spy2246
