皮繩愉虐邦四月 Munch! / Next munch to be held in April!

讓大家久等了!皮繩愉虐邦將於四月廿二日週六於台北舉辦 Munch, 歡迎對 SM 有興趣的朋友們都來參加!同樣由於場地限制,這次的活動僅能容納約三十人,故須事先報名。請大家及早報名以免向隅!

什麼是 munch? 基本上是屬於 BDSMer 的聯誼性質的輕鬆聚會。詳情請參閱本站「Munchㄅㄆㄇ」。歷次 Munch 的記錄與照片也可在本站找到。

時間 4/22 日週六下午兩點到五點
地點 台北市信義路。詳細地點將私下通知報名來賓
費用 250 元/每人
報名 請填妥下方表格,按「報名」即可。

The BDSM Company is happy to announce its next munch to be held on Saturday, 22nd of April. Longing for meeting likely minded people? Want to see the BDSM scene in Taiwan? You shall not miss this chance! Due to the capacity of the venue (around 30 people only), however, those who wish to attend the munch please fill in the registration form below.

Date: Saturday, 22nd April 2006, 2pm-5pm
Venue: A vanilla resturant in Taipei, near Xin-Yi Road. Detailed instructions will be sent to participants later.
Fee:NT$ 250

See the munch section for photos from previous munches.