Shibaricon 2006

也許是語言隔閡阻礙資訊流通,Shibaricon 這個世界性的繩縛年度大會一直以鍾愛日式(以及其他種類)繩縛的歐美人士為主要參與者,反倒尚未在亞洲廣泛為人所知。


第一屆 Shibaricon 於 2004 年五月廿八至卅一日在芝加哥舉行。參加的觀眾、講師、商店共有接近三百人之多。活動期間開設了超過八十堂課程與工作坊,內容包括日式與西式繩縛以及木乃伊化、鞭打、針刺、攝影等其他 BDSM 知識技術。晚上則有戀物服裝秀、女王秀、繩縛比賽等等娛樂節目,以及三場 play party。2005 年,第二屆 Shibaricon 也於五月底在芝加哥近郊舉辦,增加了另一系列關於服從者的講座。

今年的 Shibaricon 大會於五月廿六到廿九日在美國伊利諾州、接近芝加哥的 Lincolnwood 舉行。相信不久之後大家就可以在網路上發現不少參加者的照片與日記了!這裡先提供一些往年的遊記,讓大家一飽眼福。

連結: Shibaricon公式網站

在〈Shibaricon 2006〉中有 4 則留言

  1. tietight,

    I was surprised that this event (and, in fact, many other BDSM events) has remained unnoticed by the Asian BDSM world. Being in the US, you should have better access to these resources. :) Please inform us of any future events you know.

    In Japan there are also lots of parties to go to. Unlike the US scene where most events are organised by volunteers, Japanese events are mostly commercial in nature. In Taiwan, on the other hand, everything is still in its initial stage..

  2. To organize all partners as a team is key to open information in world. When it’s be done(well-known).
    The whole world treat this small island as a partner,surely , many invitations and actives will come here or be here naturely

  3. hi epicure,

    you are correct. i have seen some advertising for Shibaricon, but failed to realize it is an established event.

    i am thinking about going to Fetish Con this year, Too bad it is in Florida and I am in California.

    Good news is, 2007 Bond Con will be held in San Francisco. It is only one hour away from me. :)
