當臥底愛上女王: Preaching to the Perverted


Preaching to the Perverted 預告片

看來大家對 The Pet 充滿期待,那麼就趁機會回鍋聊聊這部老電影:「Preaching to the Perverted」。

紐約女王 Tanya 在倫敦開了一家新夜店。議員 Henry Harding 大為光火,派助理 Peter 混進去收集聳動的證據,準備大告一場。Peter 混進了店裡,被穿了乳環當成奴牽來牽去,大嘆頭路難做(Harding:「國家會感謝你的!」)。但是 Peter 漸漸愛上了 Tanya。他想「救」Tanya 免於被告發,想與她發展好好一段愛情關係 — 而對他來說正常情侶總是得做愛的。Tanya 喜歡 Peter,愛在床上跟他大搞各種性遊戲,但就是不讓他進入… Peter 陷入道德兩難,議員 Harding 虎視眈眈。到底誰會勝出呢?


1997 年的電影 Preaching to the Perverted香港譯名「情慾邊緣」,台灣則似乎是在不知怎麼宣傳這部片子的情況下跟著「魔鬼總動員」下了個「情色總動員」的標題。也許台灣發行公司真的不知如何是好,因為英美觀眾雖一望即知這是一個以 SM 圈為背景、SM 人當主角的故事,在當時皮繩愉虐身分還未成形的台灣,觀眾們可能根本缺乏語彙了解這部電影到底在演誰、講什麼。

女王 Tanya Cheex

對 SM 圈內人來說,發現這部片子的驚喜是終於看到 SM 人登台當主角了。畢竟雖然諸如「魂斷多惱河」、「藍絲絨」、「養鬼吃人」等挪用 BDSM 意象與符碼的電影一直不缺,讓看門道的圈內人總能偷偷嗅出皮革味來,但主流電影以真實的倫敦 SM 圈與人為題材似乎是第一遭。在電影裡頭的夜店登台的可都是倫敦赫赫有名的 SM 表演者

選角上,飾演女王 Tanya 的Guinevere Turner在 1994 年演出、編寫、及製作至今仍是同志圈內經典的女同志電影「十種釣魚的方法/Go Fish」,日後也將在 Dogma, American Psycho 等電影中繼續發揮其編演長才。

女王的左右手 Eugenie

有了好料,編導是否烹出了一桌好菜呢?很可惜地,這是一部可輕鬆觀賞的政治諷刺片,但仍回應不了經典好片的期待。就戲論戲,男女主角的個性和情愫都沒有得到足夠的醞釀。電影也許想說:每個常人都可能有潛藏的 SM 基因,而 SM 人也都有常人共通的感情。但過於平面的劇本使得前者顯得一廂情願,而後者,當 Tanya 揭露她「最深的幻想」其實再也平凡不過時,引起不了多少感動反而像是在對主流輸誠。據說電影有意回應英國 90 年代英國政府對於私人 SM 俱樂部的打壓。也許在反彈之下,劇中 SM 人個個正直、有風格、熱愛自由,好到失去真實感。不時出現的安全理性自願說詞頻繁到像是在為觀眾上課。對我們來說這恰好回應了片名「Preaching to the Perverted」:咱們都是 pervert 自己人了,何必浪費脣舌說教個不停呢。

除去這些弱點,為了一賭 Guinevere Turner 的風采,並見識精彩的倫敦 SM 現場表演,順便聯想起國內性空間也被擠壓的現況出口惡氣,本片還是很值得一看的。


  • Preaching to the Perverted公式網站
  • 預告
  • 聞天祥的同志電影Top 10: 「Rose Troche 和 Guinevere Turner 聯合製片、編劇,前者同時擔任導演和剪接、後者身兼女主角的【十種釣魚的方法】是第一部讓我真正看到女同志在銀幕上「生活」的電影,多元的角色與尊重的態度,酸甜苦辣的愛情遭逢,平實但幽默的詮釋方式,影響了日後大多數美國女同志獨立製片的方向。」

在〈當臥底愛上女王: Preaching to the Perverted〉中有 3 則留言

  1. I LOVE this film! It is a delightful exploration of alternative sexuality communities with some interesting twists. The images are wonderful and as the young man gets pulled deeper and deeper into the community, we come to realize that the folks there are more “normal” than the hypocritical ones who sent him there in the first place to do their dirty work for purely political rather than moral gains. For another “fish out of water” view of conservative Christian sucked into the alternative sexuality world, see the American film “Orgazmo” created by the same guys who did “Baseketball” and “South Park” . . . which has some real porn stars in it as the Mormon boy is exposed to their world. Two of my personal favorite Japanese adult film actresses Anna Kazuki and Eve were also flown to Hollywood for bit parts in that film. It is more of a screwball piece than Preaching to the Perverted, but covers a lot of the same ground in a different way (Preaching to the Perveted might be considered Satire while Orgazmo is pure Farce). Still, both films are well worth the looksee . . . Perverted, especially. BTW, folks, I am performing a midnight stage hypnosis show in Taipei at The Farmhouse, midnight, July 1 (Saturday Night). See http://briandavidphillips.typepad.com/brian/2006/06/the_farmhouse_s.html for details . . . we have also updated the “training” section of our webpages http://www.briandavidphillips.com and folks will note the Couples Hypnosis seminar is on deck for Septermber . . . this is the “adult” hypnosis course for couples (although non-couples and alternatives are also welcome to sign up). Just see the course description for details (yes, there is Chinese interpretation available). Those who read my blog know I developed a hypnosis technique that lets a person watch a movie and experience the film AS IF everything happening to the characters is happening to them . . . so, as you watch Preaching to the Perverted, imagine what it would feel like to feel what the characters are doing . . . or other much more “active” or “explicit” films . . . or, just flying on a broomstick in a Harry Potter adventure. :-) All the best, Brian

  2. 我也有這部電影,這是一部典型英國電影,說一個保守政府如何要取締一些不被社會應同文化。
