皮繩愉虐邦七月慶生 Munch!/Next Munch to be Held in July!

轉眼間兩年過去了,七月是皮繩愉虐邦的兩歲生日!我們將在七月十六日晚上舉辦一場 munch。這次歡迎大家穿著有 BDSM 風味的打扮,一起開心地以 BDSM 人的姿態玩樂。我們將準備蛋糕與簡單的活動,邀大家一起來為皮繩慶生!

Munch 是屬於 BDSMer 的聯誼性質的輕鬆聚會。詳情請參閱本站「Munchㄅㄆㄇ」。歷次 Munch 的記錄與照片也可在本站找到。

時間 7/16 日週日晚,詳細時間隨後公佈
地點 台北市,詳細地點將私下通知報名來賓
費用 未定,約在 NTD 250 – 350 之間
報名 請寄 email 至 admin [AT] bdsm.com.tw,註明代稱、連絡方式(電話及 email)。並請寫明參加的是 munch, 以免與當天的讀書會混淆。

The BDSM Company is having its second anniversary! In our next munch to be held on Sunday, 16th of July, we will prepare some cakes and have a simple birthday party. Put on your fetish outfit, and have fun together!

Due to the capacity of the venue those who wish to attend the munch please send an email to admin [AT] bdsm.com.tw for registration. In the email please specify your (nick)name and contact (email and/or mobile).

Date: Sunday, 16th July 2006. Exact time to be announced.
Venue: A venue in Taipei. Will be announced in the notification email.
Fee: To be announced, around NT$ 250 – 350.

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