9/24 高雄 munch / Next munch to be held in Kaohsiung on 9/24!

感謝愛戀 sm 的鼎力相助,我們將在高雄舉辦九月份 munch. 歡迎大家踴躍參加!

時間: 9月24日中午12時
地點: 高雄市某餐廳
費用: 約NTD 250到NTD 350, 視人數而定
報名: 請寄 email 至 admin [AT] bdsm.com.tw, 註明暱稱及連絡方式(email,最好有手機或電話以便在 email 無法寄達時連絡)

Our next munch will be held in Kaohsiung on 9/24! Everyone interested in BDSM is welcomed to join. Due to the capacity of the venue, participants are requested to register by email before 9/19.
Date and Time: 12:00 noon, 24th September
Venue: a restaurant in downtown Kaohsiung. To be announced in the notification email.
Fee: around NTD 250 – NTD 350, depending on the number of participants.
Registration: Please send an email to admin [AT] bdsm.com.tw, including in the email your (nick)name and a contact phone number (in case the notification email does not go through).

在〈9/24 高雄 munch / Next munch to be held in Kaohsiung on 9/24!〉中有 8 則留言

  1. 可以請問一下9/24 高雄 munch 是否取消了?
