
日本娛樂性談話節目 BAZOOKA 六月廿五日的「SMナイト(SM夜)」專題邀請知名繩師一鬼のこ與女王夕樹七瀬等人與一般觀眾聊 SM 與繩縛。節目中談到了繩縛的起源與歷史,SM的心理與生理面,並由一鬼現場示範幾套常見的吊縛,和他最具個人風格的 “Cyber Rope”。很值得一看!

BAZOOKA 為日本衛星電視BSスカパー 241ch 每週一晚上十點至十一點播出的塊狀談話節目,由小籔千豊、真木蔵人等人主持,內容包羅萬象。



  • MC:小籔千豊、真木蔵人
  • CLAN:メロディー洋子、エリイ(Chim↑Pom)、高垣勇二
  • ポールダンサー:KAYO☆


Nine Inch Nails「♪The Parfect Drug」


そして日本一の女王様 夕樹七瀬も登場し、誰でも感じられるムチの叩き方、SM7つ道具などを紹介。

あなたの知的好奇心と愛を縛るBAZOOKA!!! ビバ!SMナイト~絆~。



  • SMへの想い
  • 一鬼のこ緊縛アート
  • SMヒストリーVTR
  • SMの世界に入ったきっかけ
  • 初心者へのSM
  • SMを日常に取り入れるべき理由 人生の快楽が増える!
  • SMの快楽とは 信頼関係が強固になる
  • 脳科学者 篠原菊紀教授インタビュー
  • SM上級テクニック ムチの叩き方
  • 夕樹女王様の必殺技 スジまんバラ鞭
  • 一鬼のこ 生緊縛ショー


在〈一鬼のこ上電視!〉中有 4 則留言

  1. 澳洲陽具繪畫大師首度來台!
     澳洲陽具繪畫大師–創作坊
     情趣用品、性感內衣、主題式摩鐵
     情趣用品達人分享會
     “性”福醫學介紹
     幸運限量神秘贈品
     澳洲壞男孩 – 女士肌肉男互動終極誘惑體驗
     澳洲性感美女–激凸三圍熱舞秀
     日本AV女優感性秀
     日本AV女優簽名一對一照相
     日本繩術示範

    AAE Taiwan 亞洲(台灣)成人博覽
    展出日期: 8月23 –26日(週四–週日)
    展出地點:大台中國際會展中心 (高鐵烏日站旁)
    展出時間:11am – 7pm
    現場票價:400元 (憑證件、限滿18歲)
    洽詢熱線: (02)8751-3588 分機222,王小姐

    1. Fetlife 上有人翻出了部分,不知精確度多高。 :)

      the title of the show was “the bond”

      kinoko’s aim for the show was to set the preconceptions of sm/kinbaku as sth. “creepy” aside. he says that europe/US looks upon shibari as art, but in japan people are not that open and overlook the trust and the bond it can create between two people.

      comments on the pre-bondaged bunnys:
      1.yokozuri: the aesthetic part of this tie is the curve of the body from thigh to hip to breast and the neckline.
      2.gyakuebi: meaning reverse shrimp – cause it looks like a shrimp. probably the most strenuous tie, but the bunny said “its the greatest feeling”
      3.original tie (but since he liked the butt he called it the “ass-tie”): great position for spanking.
      4 and 5 were not commented since the bunnys had to be brought down.

      then they have a montage about the beginnings of sm. floggers have their origins in christianity. there is also the theory stating boldly that christianity is a pain seeking religion giving birth to sm. whips are so symbolic for the west, since they have a history of cattle breeding.
      japan on the other hand has a more agricultural background where rope has a strong symbolic meaning for the communal tie between farmers. since the development of handcuffs wasn’t until later, hojo-justu with rope came into play. the kikkou-tie was originally for heavy goods like rice sacks. in the meiji period seme-e (first sm-drawings) of bound women by ito seiyu start to go public. then the kitan club became the forerunner of sm in japan.

      interview with kinoko:
      interviewer: are you a pervert?
      kinoko: i used to be vanilla. ten years ago i dated a subby girl. at that time i was jobbing at a kinky bar and my girlfriend started to invite kink-experts like in anal, golden showers and rope to the bar to educate me. so i tried out all sorts of kinky stuff but ended up doing rope cause it suited me.
      I: how was it being tied for the first time yourself?
      K: It felt good.
      I: what do you mean it felt good?
      K: i fell asleep. it’s all about the gap between the painful/uncomfortable image and the soothing effect it can have. rope is like an extension of my arms and i can caress so. with it.
      I: but isn’t that just an effect it has on very few people? won’t most people find it painful or annoying?
      K: that is also just a preconception. pain isn’t always involved, its just that it can be. in a cherry session, i just tie the person carefully and beautifully and leave him rest. that way the person can open himself. without that step, its useless. i try to be a gentleman. again, its the gap. you think you have a pervert at your hand and you get a gentleman.
      I: in my everyday life, there are no moments when i feel like i am a sadist or a masochist.
      K: i think that 99% of the worlds population is masochistic. i see it this way: there are varying degrees of sadism or abilities to take control and it’s up to you whether you use it in a good or a bad way. the person being controlled is a masochist. for example you can stand at the red traffic light and there you go, you are a slave to the traffic system. Or motherly education, she created your personality, she controlled you.
      I: what about the sexual side, what is a controlling sadist in bed?
      K: what I try to keep in mind is, as long as the result is good, its all good. you can’t just hurt someone and walk away. you have to end a session with a reward (kindness, sensual softness).
      I: Do you eventually have sex in a tie?
      K: Yes, I like fucking in a tie.

      then the presenter takes out a chart: “reasons to incorporate sm into your life” prepared by kinoko
      nr. 1: more pleasure in life
      – release from pain: the release after constraint, pain brings greater pleasure
      – mentality of servitude: kinoko works to serve the bottoms, to see their pleasure/pain. the top is eventually serving and they both serve each other in an M&M situation (like the chocolate)
      nr. 2: strengthening the trust between you and your partner
      – sharing of an experience: going though pain and offering up together
      – sharing of a secret: sm as a secret world

      and then a clip about the science of sm:
      about endorphins and the biology of pain, you know the deal, that’s what hooks the masochists.
      and the sadists get their natural opiates from the response reward system.
      kinoko also feels like it can be a drug
