三月九日是皮繩愉虐邦三月份脫殼日,也是台北/台中/高雄/台東同步舉行的廢核大遊行!脫殼日照常於下午三點至六點在 Commander D 舉辦;要參加遊行的朋友們,則歡迎和同志諮詢熱線走一起。脫殼日結束後,大家再一起去凱達格蘭大道的廢核晚會!
- 14:00 遊行集結@凱達格蘭大道
- 18:30~21:30 廢核晚會@凱達格蘭大道
- 22:00~凱道守夜&工作坊&燭光講談
脫殼日結束後,可能有更多朋友從 Commander D 前往凱達格蘭大道,參加廢核晚會!
脫殼日照常在台北西門町SM 主題酒吧Commander D 舉辦。不用寫報名信,不用付報名費。想來的人,有空就來;自行點餐,自行結帳;點杯咖啡、美酒,與我們一起邊喝邊聊天。輕鬆分享交流,若有任何想要分享的事物,歡迎帶來。一起來脫下外殼talk!
- 時間: 固定在每個月第二個週六下午3~6點。本次日期為3月9日。
- 地點: Commander D台北市開封街二段36號B1(地圖)最接近捷運站為西門站(西門站至 Commander D 步行路線圖)。目前該店面尚無明顯招牌,較明顯標示為「呷尚寶早餐店」樓下。
- 費用: 活動免費,但 Commander D 另收入場門票兩百元,抵飲料一杯。
- 報名: 直接來就是啦!有Facebook的網友歡迎到活動網頁上按個參加。
- 注意事項:
- 為避免造成附近鄰居困擾,請不要在一樓騎樓那邊抽菸、喧嘩、揮鞭。這不僅是對於友善空間的珍惜,也可避免不必要的紛擾。
- 為尊重店家,請勿攜帶外食。
- 我們很難強制禁止拍照或攝影,但同好之間的互動應有基本的禮貌與尊重。拍攝前務必徵求被攝者同意,並避免拍到其他人。如不希望被拍攝,可明確拒絕。
- 看到新奇的裝扮或道具固然很讓人雀躍,在動手之前請務必先過問對方是否願意讓你觸碰/拍照/使用/玩弄。勿強人所難,也不要勉強自己。
- 會後的續攤皆屬各別參與者的私下活動。皮繩愉虐邦樂見同好之間有更多的互動,但請注意自身的安全。
- 如遇到場地或天氣等不可抗力因素需改期,將事前於網站上公告。
The 2013 March munch of BDSM Company Taiwan will be held as usual on the
second Saturday (9th) of March, 3pm to 6pm. No registration, no
surcharges apart from the food and drink. Everyone is welcomed to drop
by and chat!
The munch coincides with the Stop Nukes Now parade, to be held all over Taiwan. If you would rather go to the parade, which we encourage, and would like to walk together with other sexual minorities, you are recommended to walk with the Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association. To find them, simply look for the rainbow flag!
The plan announced by the Stop Nukes Now parade is as follows:
- 14:00 gather at Ketagalan Boulevard
- 18:30~21:30 party at Ketagalan_Boulevard
- 22:00~ overnight sitting
After the munch, some of us might attend the party too.
For those who going to the munch, the info is as follows:
Venue: Commander D, the first SM-themed bar in Taipei! Located in Ximen area.
- Date: every second Saturday of the month.
- Time: 3pm to 6pm.
- Location: Commander D. Address: B1, No 36,
Section 2, Kaifeng St., Taipei (台北市開封街二段36號B1). See Google Map. The nearest MRT station
is Ximen 西門 (route from Ximen
MRT station to the venue).Note that the venue, located in a basement, does not yet have an
obvious sign at the entrance. It is under a breakfast shop. - Fees: NTD 200 covering the first drink, paid
directly to the bar and not to BDSM.TW. - Registration: You may just show up and there is
no need to register. However, you are encouraged to leave a comment
telling people that you are coming, or click “Join” on our Facebook event. - What do you do there?: We will mostly just talk,
chat, and get to know friends. Since the venue is filly equipped, you
can expect people to play with ropes, but it is still a munch and not
a play party. The venue won’t mind if you’d like to dress up in some
fetish wear, or show to people some of your favourite toys, though.
Usual munch rules apply. - Things to Note:
- Always ask for permission if you have to take photos, especially
when a scene or a shibari demonstration is going on. Be sure that the
photo does not include anyone who has not given you permission, even
if they are in the background. - Ask for permission before you touch any tools, toys, books, other
belongings. And of course, people!
- Always ask for permission if you have to take photos, especially
Hope to meet you there soon!